Report a Repair

Only the tenant or joint tenant can report a repair. If you want someone else to be able to report a repair for you please fill in the advocate consent, using the form below.

There are four ways you can report a repair to BITMO

0113 378 2188 or 0800 389 5503 (office hours)

Emergency out of hours: 0113 376 0499

BITMO will contact you on the same or next working day.

    The BITMO housing counter is in Aberfield Gate, off Belle Isle Road.
    View our office on a map >

    Opening hours

    Monday 9-5
    Tuesday 9-5
    Wednesday 9-1
    Thursday 9-5
    Friday 9-4

    Closed on bank holidays.

    Click here to use the Leeds City Council website.

    Please note you need your rent (or leasehold) account number to use this site.


    You are responsible for some repairs to your home such as unblocking sinks and toilets. The full list is in the repairs handbook. If we have to carry out a repair that you are responsible for we will recharge you.

    BITMO Latest X

    Free food and activities all summer

    For the third year running, BITMO is offering free food and activities for three days a week for the whole summer.

    There are events every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.

    You can read more about what is happening on each day here.

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