Useful Contacts

Phone Numbers


Repairs and general enquiries0113 378 2188
or 0800 389 5503
Make a rent payment call0113 378 2187
BITMOs GATE0113 378 2190
Out of hours repairs emergencies0113 376 0499

Leeds City Council

Adult Social Care0113 222 4401
Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team0113 222 4402
Children & Families0113 222 4403
Leeds general0113 222 4404
Complaints0113 222 4405
Rubbish, bins0113 222 4406
Highways0113 222 4407 
Registrar (births, marriage, deaths)0113 222 4408 
Planning0113 222 4409 
Minicom/text phone0113 222 4410  
Elections0113 222 4411
Housing Options0113 222 4412


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Free food and activities all summer

For the third year running, BITMO is offering free food and activities for three days a week for the whole summer.

There are events every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.

You can read more about what is happening on each day here.

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