BITMO Community Development Co-ordinator

Please note that this post is only available to existing employees of BITMO and Leeds City Council.

This is a job where you will really be able to make a difference.

Belle Isle is a lively South Leeds community, where the tenants manage their own council housing through a tenant management organisation. They have a budget of over £5 million a year and as well as repairing and improving homes and running a caretaking service they are able to provide extras like:

  • a £70,000 a year community fund
  • a community centre where volunteers provide free meals and staff provide advice and computer support
  • families come in for free food and activities during school holidays
  • the recently opened community garden and community orchard.

You will be part of a dynamic community development team that includes a member whose full-time job is visiting tenants at home, a Community Development Officer who specialises in helping people upgrade their digital skills and a Community Builder who is based in the community, having conversations and linking people together.

In this job you will be accountable to your manager and the Board – and indirectly to the volunteers and the wider Belle Isle community – but will have much more freedom to bring about change than in most local authority roles and more access to funds.

You will have responsibility for the day-to-day running of the BITMO’s GATE community centre and of recruiting and supporting our volunteers as well as developing our employment support offer and supporting community control of the community garden and community orchard.

Please download and read the job description and person specification below.

Please apply using the online application form below by 10am on Monday 24 April. Interviews will be held on Thursday 27 April. For an informal discussion about the job, please call BITMO’s Community Development Manager Peter Sutton on 07891 274237. Please note that he will not be in available from 7-16 April.

Give name of employer, position held, dates worked and very brief description of duties.
Please give the name of the company (if applicable), name of the person, phone number and email address.
Please give the name, phone number and email address and tell us your connection with this person.

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Vote YES to BITMO!

Every five years, BITMO tenants can vote on the future of Belle Isle. Belle Isle has been run as a tenant management organisation for 20 years and tenants are being balloted about whether to carry on for another 5 years.

Voting papers are being posted out on 28 August, so you should get them between 30 August and 2 September. You can vote by posting the form back in the reply paid envelope, bringing it to BITMO’s offices or voting online or by phone. Please vote and talk to your neighbours about voting as well.

You are invited to a launch event at BITMO on Thursday 29 August at 5pm. There will be food, live music and a magician! Plus a chance to ask more about the ballot, BITMO’s 20-year track record and plans for the next five years.


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