A Very Different Christmas

17 December 2020

You don’t need me to tell you that Christmas is going to be a very different end to this extra ordinary year. BITMO remain open to help customers over Christmas apart from Christmas Day and the Bank Holidays on 28 December and New Year’s Day, and we have a 24-hour responsive repair service should some genuine emergency befall you that needs an immediate response. Fingers crossed you won’t need to call anyone out to fix your heating or deal with uncontrollable gushing water, or anything like that. But if you do, we will help. Most people won’t be having the Christmas they want but will trying very hard to make it special somehow.

Christmas is a financial pressure, and if you need help with your finances, get in touch with us. We can help you to organise your debts, claim help you may be entitled to, or get you on the right track with your rent.

For a lot of people Christmas is always the worst possible time of the year, and it can’t be over soon enough. That might be because they are isolated, and isolation has been a massive issue for people this year. At BITMO we have tried to maintain contact and support with folk who are vulnerable or lonely, and we hope we’ve brought a smile to some amid the difficulties they have experienced.

Too many people dread Christmas because they are unhappy or frightened at home. If you are frightened at home, if you are being hurt, in any way, get in touch with us or one of the organisations listed here: https://www.belleisletmo.co.uk/help-support/domestic-abuse/

There is help for you. You are not alone.

Whatever your circumstances this Christmas, the BITMO team want to thank you for your patience this year, and wish you the very best. Whatever your plans are, and whatever circumstances you are in, we all want you to stay safe and get in touch with us if you need us.

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Vote YES to BITMO!

Every five years, BITMO tenants can vote on the future of Belle Isle. Belle Isle has been run as a tenant management organisation for 20 years and tenants are being balloted about whether to carry on for another 5 years.

Voting papers are being posted out on 28 August, so you should get them between 30 August and 2 September. You can vote by posting the form back in the reply paid envelope, bringing it to BITMO’s offices or voting online or by phone. Please vote and talk to your neighbours about voting as well.

You are invited to a launch event at BITMO on Thursday 29 August at 5pm. There will be food, live music and a magician! Plus a chance to ask more about the ballot, BITMO’s 20-year track record and plans for the next five years.


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