Belle Isle Community Builder

Could you be Belle Isle’s Community Builder for the next three years? Please read the information pack below, including the glossary of new terms, as well as the job description and person specification and think about the role of the Community Builder in Belle Isle and how you may be able to take on the role.

Please answer these four questions and then provide us with some personal details.

Give name of employer, position held, dates worked and very brief description of duties.
Please give the name of the company (if applicable), name of the person, phone number and email address.
Please give the name, phone number and email address and tell us your connection with this person.

BITMO Latest X

Belle Isle Ballot 2024 Result

BITMO to continue
Yes 93%     No 7%
Thank you Belle Isle!

For the next five years, BITMO’s tenant-led Board will keep working to make a stronger, safer, greener Belle Isle for everyone.

You can read more about the ballot and BITMO’s Annual General Meeting here.



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