Housing office and BITMOs GATE closed

4 January 2022

In response to the escalating rate of transmission of the COVID-19 virus, the BITMO housing office and BITMOs GATE are closed for in-person visits. You can continue to contact BITMO on 0113 378 2188 Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. For any out of hours emergency repairs, please call 0113 376 0499.

We currently anticipate opening the housing office and GATE on Monday 10th January, but will keep the situation under review and post any updates on the website and Facebook.

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Belle Isle Ballot 2024 Result

BITMO to continue
Yes 93%     No 7%
Thank you Belle Isle!

For the next five years, BITMO’s tenant-led Board will keep working to make a stronger, safer, greener Belle Isle for everyone.

You can read more about the ballot and BITMO’s Annual General Meeting here.



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