Community garden opens in Belle Isle

20 September 2022

The new West Grange Road Community Garden launches on Saturday 24 September. You can visit between 10am-12pm. We will be planting spinach, garlic and onions in our first two planters. It’s a big site and there is still a lot of time to get involved and make decisions. When should it be open? What should we plant? Should there be seating and a shelter?
Can you help run the site and teach others to grow fruit and vegetables? Would you like to come and learn how to grow them?
All these questions and more will be discussed at the open day on 24 September.

Directions: the community garden is near the site of the old West Grange Club and near the Sporty Space MUGA.
From the sorting office, head along West Grange Drive, turn left up West Grange Road and you will find us on the left after West Grange Close.
From Belle Isle Parade, go along Winrose Crescent until the end and then turn right onto West Grange Road. You will find us on the right, opposite the entrance to Lonsdale Close.
For more information call BITMO on 0113 378 2190.

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Vote YES to BITMO!

Every five years, BITMO tenants can vote on the future of Belle Isle. Belle Isle has been run as a tenant management organisation for 20 years and tenants are being balloted about whether to carry on for another 5 years.

Voting papers are being posted out on 28 August, so you should get them between 30 August and 2 September. You can vote by posting the form back in the reply paid envelope, bringing it to BITMO’s offices or voting online or by phone. Please vote and talk to your neighbours about voting as well.

You are invited to a launch event at BITMO on Thursday 29 August at 5pm. There will be food, live music and a magician! Plus a chance to ask more about the ballot, BITMO’s 20-year track record and plans for the next five years.


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