
1 June 2022

BITMO served 182 meals and gave away 34 meal packs over the first three days of the school holidays.

We wrote to every tenant to make sure everyone had the chance to benefit.

The names and addresses for the letter came from the Council’s database. Unfortunately the information became corrupted and in some cases former members of the household, including relatives who had passed away were included. We will make sure that this does not happen again, as we understand how upsetting this was. We are truly sorry that we have caused upset in this way, and hope it doesn’t spoil the good we have attempted to do to support our community at a time when the cost of living, and the pressures of putting food on the table are affecting people so badly.

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Free food and activities all summer

For the third year running, BITMO is offering free food and activities for three days a week for the whole summer.

There are events every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.

You can read more about what is happening on each day here.

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