South Leeds Youth Hub is a safe space and activity centre for young people in South Leeds.
Here they can take part in a range of affordable activities after school and hopefully soon to be open on a weekend. Our desire is that the Hub will form an integral part of the fabric of the local area, involving all members of the community.
The youth clubs currently running offer opportunities for the young people to try new activities such as Sports Sessions and Arts and Crafts Events. We have also begun to introduce life skills into our evenings along with outdoor survival and bush craft lessons. The young people will develop new skills, have fun and make friends, all in multi – functional building and with a fantastic new 3G pitch and outdoor, floodlit multi use games area.
On site we have everything from music studios, a mechanics workshop plus a large performance hall. Our spaces are flexible for creative and performing arts as well as offering teaching and meeting rooms. All of our amenities are accessed through our newly revamped welcome area and every room is Covid Secure. If you are interested in using one or more of ours spaces for either yourself or a group, they are available for venue hire upon request. Please do not hesitate to get in contact.
Short Breaks is a funded after school session for children with additional needs to socialise and learn new skills. Current focus is around life skills and expanding young people’s boundaries teaching valuable skills that can be used in day to day life.
Contact South Leeds Youth Hub
Tel 0113 336 7990.
Twitter SouthLeedsHub
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/southleedsyouthhub