Important – XL Bully Owners

22 December 2023

All XL Bully owners need to re-register their permission to keep the dog with BITMO (even if permission was given previously) and provide an Index of Exempt Dogs certificate, sign a responsible dog owner agreement, and have 3rd party insurance certificate.

Further advice can be found on the Dogs Trust website.

Please contact the ASB team at BITMO to reapply for permission to keep a dog at your property. Failure to comply with these regulations and to register that you have an XL Bully at your property will result in tenancy action being taken against you.

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Free food and activities all summer

For the third year running, BITMO is offering free food and activities for three days a week for the whole summer.

There are events every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.

You can read more about what is happening on each day here.

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