Free English & Maths Tutoring for Year 3 & 4

12 August 2024

BITMO is again offering free English & Maths tutoring for Belle Isle children (with priority given to children from BITMO households). We have said goodbye to the children who were with us for two years and we are recruiting a new group of children who will be in Year 3 or 4 from September 2024. We can also take children in Year 5 if they are working at a Year 3 or 4 level.

Classes are from 4.15 – 6pm on Tuesdays at BITMO’s GATE. The tutors are all qualified primary school teachers, provided by our partners Lextra Learning. We offer a free hot meal cooked by Belle Isle Community Kitchen from 3.30pm, which the whole family can also have.

Classes will start on Tuesday 17 September. Your child must be registered to take part. You can use the form below to request a place. Please do this soon, as places are limited. Get in touch now to request a place for your child.

For more information you can come to the open day on Tuesday 10 September from 4.15 – 5.30pm, or you can call, text or WhatsApp Peter at BITMO on 07891 274237.

We are looking for volunteers to support the tutors by reading with the children. Could you help? Call, text or WhatsApp Peter at BITMO on 07891 274237.

Name of parent
Tutoring is only available if your child is in Year 3 or 4, or in Year 5 but working at Year 3 or 4 level.

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Vote YES to BITMO!

Every five years, BITMO tenants can vote on the future of Belle Isle. Belle Isle has been run as a tenant management organisation for 20 years and tenants are being balloted about whether to carry on for another 5 years.

Voting papers are being posted out on 28 August, so you should get them between 30 August and 2 September. You can vote by posting the form back in the reply paid envelope, bringing it to BITMO’s offices or voting online or by phone. Please vote and talk to your neighbours about voting as well.

You are invited to a launch event at BITMO on Thursday 29 August at 5pm. There will be food, live music and a magician! Plus a chance to ask more about the ballot, BITMO’s 20-year track record and plans for the next five years.


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